Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Supplement Info

Here is a list of supplements we are rotating with Dylan.  I'm including links to the products, a rundown of the benefits and a link to scientific research (if available online).  For more on these, I recommend reading Children With Starving Brains by Jaqueline McCandless MD.

To begin with, we have just started him on Bactrim as prescribed by his doctor at Thoughtful House. Flagyl and Diflucan prescriptions will immediately follow. Dysbiosis in the intestines of ASD children has been widely researched.  For more detailed research, stop over HERE and scroll down to the subtitle: Viruses and Bacteria in Autism.

Basics (taken daily):
Our Brand:
VitaSpectrum multivitamin in powder form.

Formulated with ASD kids in mind, it is GFCFSF and hypoallergenic.  Provides a general supplementation to combat self-limited diet and lack of nutritional absorption due to gut issues.

Research Supporting Multivitamins:
-Arizona State University
-University of Rochester Medical Center
more cited HERE - scroll down to subtitle: Nutritional Deficiencies, Supplements and Diet

Our Brand: 
Broad Spectrum Enzyme formula.

Aids in the breakdown of food to digestable molecules.  Reduces the number and size of inappropriate molecules leaking from the gut to the bloodstream (as is common among ASD kids).  Reduces gut inflammation and helps heal leaky gut.  There are many different types of enzymes - trial and error is needed to determine which is most effective.  Most kids benefit from a broad spectrum formula.

Supporting Research:
-Journal of Medical Microbiology 2005


Vital for normal neural development and maintenance of neurotransmitter, cellular and membrane integrity.  Neurotransmitters affect behavior and learning - any deficiency or blockage will have dramatic effects on ability to learn and function.  Children with attention problems and autism have been found to be more deficient in essential fatty acids than neurotypical children.

Supporting Research:
-Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Volume 14, 1999


Research has shown that children with autism have intestinal dysbiosis in their body, which in certain levels can produce toxins that affect the brain.  Probiotics are groups of live microorganisms including strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus as well as several types of yeast, which when ingested improves the balance of the gastrointestinal tract. In simpler terms, probiotics can help provide the stomach with enough good bacteria to prevent or minimize the stomach problems characteristic of autistic children such as bloating, stomach pains, constipation and other bowel problems.

Supporting Research:
-Journal of Medicinal Foods
-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 
-University of Readings, UK

Our Brand:  
Kirkman Labs Buffered Powder Vitamin C, Vitamin E 100 IU Hypoallergenic

Vitamin C & E work synergystically, so they are given together.  They are antioxidants that fight free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules that damage cell walls and can destroy brain cells).  Promotes proper metabolism and reception of Vitamin D and Calcium, improves circulation and repairs tissue.

Supporting Research:
-Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
-Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry

Our Brand:
Kirkman Labs Zinc Picolinate Hypoallergenic 25mg

Involved in the methylation process in the body (the molecular process of making Methyl-B12 among other things) which is often impaired in ASD kids due to toxicity.  Zinc acts as a methyl donor to enhance this process.  It is also associated with improved growth, especially in stunted children.  Essential for peak immunity and brain development.  85% of ASD kids have high copper-zinc ratios.  Zinc supplementation brings copper levels down.

Supporting Research:
-Children's Development & Behavior Research Center
-Children's Institute
-Amy Holmes, MD

Our Brand:
Kirkman Labs

Glutathione helps protect the body from damage.  A strong antioxidant that prevents the formation of free radicals and inhibits cell damage.  Used in the medical community as a detoxifier for heavy metals and drugs.  Has been shown to aid in the treatment of blood and liver disorders. It protects not only individual cells but also the tissues of the arteries, brain, heart, immune cells, kidneys, lenses of the eyes, liver, lungs, and skin against oxidant damage. Oral agents are not effectively absorbed, so IV and transdermal agents are most often recommended.

Supporting Research:
-Cornell University Medical College
-Thorne Research
-American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
-Mercer University School of Medicine

Our Brand:
Terry Naturally

No biological treatment for autism is more strongly supported in the scientific literature than high dosage Vitamin B6.  P-5-P/Mag is B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) with the addition of magnesium to enhance the effects of B6 and protect against possible B6-induced magnesium deficiency.  Research has shown a high statistical improvement in eye contact, interest in the world around them, expanded speech along with fewer tantrums and less stimming.  B6 maintains sodium and potassium balance, promotes RBC formation and is necessary for normal brain function and the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Supporting Research:
-Bernard Rimland's Testimony Before House Committee on Government Reform
-Summary and references of all scientific research

DMG (Dimethylglycine)
Our Brand: 
Kirkman Labs

Methylating agent that influences the traffic along certain pathways.  Natural immunomodulator.  Benefits about half of all ASD kids with notable language improvement in some after only a few days.  15% of kids cannot tolerate.  Morning doses are recommended to combat possible side effect of hyperactivity.  Some have found folinic acid to effectively moderate hyperactivity.

Supporting Research:
-National Autism Conference
-Nutritional Therapies and Autism

Our Brand:

Garlic contains a naturally occuring disulfide derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) called TTFD (tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide).  It's sulfer group has the ability to bind to SH-reactive metals, with notable excretion of heavy metals appearing on urine testing of ASD kids - including arsenic, cadmium, nickel, lead and mercury.  Additionally, some ASD kids have intracellular thiamine deficiency, which  TTFD may alleviate. 

Supporting Research:
-Dr Derrick Lonsdale (self-funded)

*Please note that antiviral treatment has been reported to cause yeast flair ups in autistic children.  Most doctors recommend antiviral therapy in conjunction with antifungal treatment.
Lauricidin (Monolaurin): We use Ecological Formulas.  A component found in breast and coconut milk.  Has shown effectiveness against certain viral groups (Varicella, Herpes Simplex 1 & 2).
Olive Leaf Extract: We use HerbPharm.  Natural antiviral often used in place of Valtrex.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to know more information about supplements. Thanks for sharing. Take Lorna Vanderhaeghe products to maintain your health while dieting.
