Monday, January 9, 2012

Need Advice

We went to Whole Foods over the weekend determined to get the items we need to make Coconut Kefir for Dylan.  When we asked for help, we were directed to a young man who has done it dozens of times himself.  He was very helpful, but advised us to purchase the premade kefir because it contains a higher percentage of probiotic.  We told him our son would likely not drink it on his own, so he thought this way it would require less liquid to do the same job. 

Do you have an opinion on premade kefir vs. homemade?

Do you have any sage advice for getting Dylan to take it (or to take his supplements for that matter)?  We have to hold him down and give it to him in a medicine dropper.  Most of it is spit back at us.  I don't mind doing it because I know it is what's best for him, but I'd really like for more of it to end up in his tummy and less of it to end up on my shirt. :)


  1. I personally prefer homemade but that is only because I can be sure of all the ingredients. That said, as long as you're ok with the ingredients, just buy it premade. The easier the better in our world. :) As for getting him to getting him to drink it, well, you only want to start with like a teaspoon. Seriously. So, I'd say mix it in something that he already likes to drink or eat. He will acquire the taste for it soon enough. And for the supps, I have no advice... sorry. :( Good luck and I hope that Dylan will drink the kefir for you.

  2. Thanks JoAnna! Does Drew still take the Kefir or how long did you have him on it?
